Lothar Lemmermeier
Senior Partner

Lothar Lemmermeier is a Senior Partner at Kessel & Kessel GmbH. He focuses on supporting companies in introducing new management systems and optimising processes in production and administration. To do so, he drawsupon his vast experience and in-depth knowledge of lean management.
Lothar has 30 years of international experience in the automotive (trucks) and supply industries. He was responsiblefor major change projects in various management functions at Daimler AG. These included developing and introducingan international supplier management system for the Daimler Truck division in Europe, Brazil, the USA and Japan. Lean management standards were drawn up for the global production network and implemented on a sustainable basiswith the plant managers via annual roadmaps. He has been working as a consultant for six years for companies ofvarious sizes and industries, focusing on introducing and further developing lean management.
He studied industrial engineering in Karlsruhe and initially worked as a freelancer for the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft in various technology assessment projects. He was then made responsible for managing Daimler AG projects on processoptimisation and digitalisation.
After undergoing numerous international training sessions in Lean Management, he became deeply involved in thedesign of lean material flow and production processes. Within the context of further globalisation of products, he tookover the responsibility for the worldwide network management of Daimler Truck Powertrain. Besides numerous otherfunctions, he was also responsible for the strategy department and the global lean office in developing andimplementing lean management standards.