Gundula Krawczyk-Wöhl
Senior Partner

Gundula Krawczyk-Wöhl is a Senior Partner at Kessel & Kessel GmbH. She has over 20 years of experience as a consultant and coach for organisations. She is a specialist in personality development. With a feel for the relevant topics and a keen eye for researching resources, she supports individuals and organisational units in their personal and professional development.
Based on clear values and with focus on meaningful action, she accompanies people and teams with mindfulness,clarity, and depth.
She advises managers in their personal development processes, and in role design in coaching sessions as well asleadership programmes. Healthy (self-) leadership, potential development, professional self-image, and the furtherdevelopment of leadership skills are the main focus of her work. For her, developing maturity and autonomy aredecisive factors for effectiveness in leadership roles, and crucial to success in modern forms of work.
She supports management circles in clarification processes, and teams in their performance and self-organisation asa whole.
She combines the diverse approaches and methods of her consultant training such as Systemic TransactionalAnalysis, Constellation Work, Health Coaching, PEP, and Agile Organisational Development.
She is a certified consultant for the preference test Golden Profiler of Personality and Ego-Development (Thomas Binder).
She is working on developing hybrid development formats that enable digital social learning and that help intensifylearning processes.
Gundula is a banker and psychologist, and brings with her years of experience as a management consultant andexecutive in a company in the financial sector.
She is the owner of the company, ‘Consulting and Coaching: Human Culture System’.