Christian Thamm
Senior Partner

Christian Thamm is a Senior Partner at Kessel & Kessel GmbH. He focuses on information design, through whichhe efficiently and effectively breaks down complex topics such as ‘processes’ into easily comprehensible information.
He boasts years of expertise as a communication designer, a consultant for companies on strategic topics as well ashis own entrepreneurial experience.
Having been a designer and entrepreneur in the advertising industry for 35 years, Christian has developedcommunication strategies for well-known clients in the tourism industry, managed extensive print and TV advertisingbudgets, and conceived designs for corporate identity. For a large mail order company, he developed a cost and time optimised catalogue production process for an entire business division, and managed it with great success overseveral years. Within the context of a company-wide change, he was responsible for the complete digitalisation of thisproduction process, and the transfer to a newly established online production structure. He designed andimplemented cross-selling concepts for cruise and mail order companies. He advises companies on various strategictopics, including a BI management consultancy to optimise their business model, a publishing start-up in developing a successful mobile app series, and an educational start-up in developing educational content and investor relations.
Christian studied communication design and initially freelanced as a layout designer, illustrator, and art director forlarge advertising agencies in the Rhine-Main area. After moving to Hamburg, he founded three advertising agencies in succession over the course of 28 years, each with different specialisations and partners, and with him as creative andmanaging director. For the past three years, he has been working primarily as a consultant, and as an information andanimation designer.