Coaching careers

“Highly skilled introverts who - unlike extroverts - experience constant contact with others and social stimulus as something that saps their power often shy away from developing their careers in a way that matches their skill set. The may avoid assessment centers and avoid accepting leadership roles.
A coachee reported that his manager had used a “gap in the system” to direct him into a leadership role, bypassing an assessment center. It is a role that he has since filled with great success. However, he could only make the next career jump to which his boss encouraged him through an assessment.
What was helpful for him in successfully mastering this next career step? Using a typological “map” we identified type-specific internal permissions and encouragements with the coachee so that: He could appreciate his own introverted skills, such as listening, mindfulness, focus, and analytical competence as powerful leadership qualities; He could network work in his own way, i.e. with depth instead of breadth; He could take time to withdraw for refueling and strategic planning with a clear conscience; He could manage the office assistant instead of being a slave to the calendar ...”
- Bertine Kessel
What methods did we use?
- Preference test GPoP (Hogrefe-Verlag) for determination of strengths, derivation of learning topics and exercise fields
- ZRM tool for practice transfer: Anchoring techniques, embodiment work (use of body intelligence)
- Integration of similar methods from horse-based coaching and stage coaching for embodiment work